Featured channel DEMO
Can I join by using my personal name?
Yes. Just enter your name when registration, fill in the necessary e-mail address, password, and other required field information.
Please tell me the payment method.
Thank you for choosing our 'advanced plan' or 'professional plan' services. The service charge payment can be processed through your bank transfering. You can also reach us by our line: 'BGMRadio'. Our client service will answer your any quesition.
Can BGMRadio’s music be played in the commercial storefront?
Yes, It can be placed in the commercial storefront, the music on this platform is with 100% legal copyright.
Can I sign the contract (joing the member) as a Juridical person?
Yes. You can fill in the company Name and Tax ID on the registration page.
Do I need to pay extra money for the copyrights of music works?
The music provided by the BGMRadio is currently 100% legally copyrighted content, Joined users can use without additional payment to other third parties, and never need to worry about infringement.
Can those songs sold in the public market be played?
No way. The songs sold in the market are other types of payment methods and may require payment of copyright fees related to the management groups they belong to.
What is the relevant equipment needed?
Just go to BGMRadio.com and register as a member. If you are using a computer, you can go online and link to BGMRaio.com to play music. If you are using smart phone or tablet (pad), connecting to the Internet (wifi, 4G or 5G) and download the BGMRaio APP to play music.(register first on the web page of BGMRadio.com) The sound output can be connected to speakers, amplifiers or your in-store broadcasting systems with wired line-output or wireless Bluetooth.
Can I use a smartphone or tablet for playback?
In smartphones or tablets, it is recommended to use APP to play music.
Will the music be updated?
Yes, new music will be added on a daily basis.
How many music pieces in BGMRadio?
Provide original copyrighted music more than 10,000 tracks, new music added weekly and channel updated every month.
Can the BGMRadio’s music be used in video or radio?
No. It cannot be used for other purposes. If you want to use music on video, mass media or any others, please contact us。
Mall store operators need to play music in the store to attract more customers. Does playing genuine records comply with the copyright law?
Authentic sound records (whether they are CDs or digital files legally downloaded in online music stores) that are usually sold to customers are only for customers' private and home use. The public broadcast of the works is for private and home use Outside of the scope. Appropriate 'public performance' licenses should be obtained from the copyright owner or his agent.
The penalties for the infringement of music played by the store?
If you are investigated by the copyright owner without prior authorization, you will be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or a fine of not more than NT$750,000 in accordance with Article 92 of the Copyright Law.
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